Oct 28, 2015 08:11 AM
Its a freeware software that is easily downloadable from freemake website. it will download a 2mb file which will again download 20 mb to install the complete software.
if you need a offline downloader, just search for freemake video downloader offline. google will give you the correct link website to download.
Features of this software
You need .net framework 3.5 to run this software. Windows 7 have in-built 3.5 framework, but on 8.1 and 10 you have to manually install it.
It can download from many websites like, youtube, facebook and vimeo etc.
if you give a youtube link to it, within some seconds it will find the available qualities of videos that you can download.(240p, 340p, 720p, 1080p). The higher the better the quality.
in settings you can change the queue. if ur net speed is low you can choose to download one video at a time. if your net speed is high you can choose 5 videos at a time.
in settings you can pre select the video quality and location, so the software wont have to ask you everytime.
6 one click download has three quality options like low, medium and high, so if you prefer high, the software will choose the highest quality like 1080p if available.
Minus points
if you copy a large list of links at same time. it takes a lot of time to load the videos into software.
Some videos will fail to download that are in large list. you have to relaod them later manually.
if you give large videos like 3 hours videos. you will face a problem. youtube allows only 4 hours for a link. if your net is slow and you are downloading more than four hours. download will stop and the file will be of no use.
so give only small links to the software.