Apr 28, 2016 03:35 PM
I usually smoke davidoff regular, which is hard yet smooth.
There are times when we are away from the city shooting in villages or smaller places where getting anything but a foursquare or bristol and chota gold flake is hard.
Before I tried out this cigarette my perception of this was a crude stick, that does stink alot.
To be honest I never thought I would ever smoke this. But you know we smokers need one and it doesnt matter whatever it be.
I was on a shoot last year and we ran out of cigarettes the only shop we found there had four square and bristol as well as gold flake. I took one pack of gold flake and one of four square, tried the goldflake first it felt a bit too light for my liking and then tried the foursquare when I had the urge to smoke an hour later. The first puff I took felt a bit too harsh and I was coughing but a few puffs later it started to feel good. yes its a bit harsh but was as hard as the davidoff I smoke only has more smell to it than the davidoff did.