Feb 13, 2003 06:00 PM
(Updated Feb 14, 2003 05:52 PM)
Consider a situation where the mysteries of the future are no longer there. The course that the human society takes has been predicted and the future becomes a science, events to be monitored and outcome to be predicted. The three parts of this great trilogy has been based on this very science: the science and its failure.
The three parts of this book are
Foundation and empire
The second foundation.
Each can be read separately but its better to read in them in a proper sequence.
The book starts with the person who discovered this new science ''pschyohistory'' which predict the future based on past events.
To avert the crisis the human being will face in case of the eventual breakdown of a galactic empire this man forms two foundations.. The First foundation - which is visible and takes over the reigns of the world from the empire.
And the other is a secret covert organisation ..''The Second Foundation'' which will monitor the plan and act to keep the plan in shape. Even the first foundation must not know of their activities
They are formed at the two ends of the galaxy to save the plan. Ther is a tussle as there is quest for one to keep itself hidden and the quest of other to discover it. And to their success or failure lies the key to the future: The future of the whole mankind.
This is weaved ino a beautiful story over around 1000 years. The story has been told by a master storyteller and should be definitely read.