Aug 28, 2015 04:37 PM
Hello i'm vipul and I really waste my money in buying thins vehicle. this car is of no use.i have buy this car as they have given me a great offer on this particular car.
there is very less thing that I like about this car is that its interior is good. it has a smart engine and an GPS system can be used while driving you just have to give some extra bucks.
now the dislike is that it densest have a pick up it is not a 4 wheel drive and a bad suv its better if you buy a fortuner of same prize. fortuer will give you more things at the same prize.
my driving till now is good as I have to drive long as my export and import business. I have take this car very long I is good but not the best it is comfortable nice and a good car. but you can easily get fortuner in same pize and that would be much better than this
this vehicle can be buyed by any one. but usually it suits men to ride such a hulk kind off car .students and women doesn't suits this vechile .