Dec 25, 2016 11:10 PM
The new Chetan Bhagat novel has a female narrator but despite its bold variations. Chetan Bhagat(born 22 April 1974) is an Indian author, columnist, screenwriter, television personality and motivational speaker, known for his English-language dramedy novels about young urban middle-class Indians.Through the narrator, One Indian Girl explains why patriarchy thrives in India; not just because it is imposed by the men, but because these societal rules and restrictions are internalised by women. It is when Radhika seeks validation from her insecure boyfriend, who earns less than her, that the ugly scars of gender discrimination are visible. The realisation strikes again when the Goldman Sachs vice-president is told by her lover/married boss he did not see her as a “maternal” figure. Eventually, her past asks her to make a choice a lot of women would be familiar with: Pursuing a glittering career or living a fulfilling, homely life. Neither of her lovers recognize that a woman could want, and have, both.