Oct 08, 2001 05:55 AM
Since I was young, I have always shown a keen interest in films. Many people have told me that this signifies a mis-spent childhood. They are probably right. Never mind, eh?
Although many people will strongly disagree with me, I think the nineties has been the best decade for films. I think this is largely due to the fact that most films made nowadays are based in some way on films previously made. The films I have included in this review are, in my opinion, the most original and inventive films made in the nineties. So here they are:
The Matrix
Definitely, in my view, the film with the most inventive plot ever. The idea is complex, yet somehow made easily understandable. Keanu Reeves delivers a faultless performance as Neo, or ''The One''. In fact, this was one of the best cast films I have ever seen. There are few, if any holes in the plot, yet it is the sort of concept that would usually lend itself well to criticism.
What I will say, however, is that while there were many people like me who loved The Matrix, people who didn't like it seemed to hated it with a passion. Oh well, each to their own.
Pulp Fiction
Tarantino defintitely took the world by storm with this one. Fair enough, it's full of gratuitous swearing, violence and drug abuse, but it was made with such style that it's hard not to be impressed. Pulp Fiction inspired many films to come. In fact one of the most entertaining aspects of the film is trying to work out which order the scenes should follow.
I could not fault a single performance in the all-star cast. Even Tarantino himself is impressive as Jimmy. Yet, as with most great films, it was highly controversial. A true cult classic.
American Beauty
The most emotional film I have ever seen. I usually find it difficult to actually deeply involve myself in a film, but I had no problem with this one. Kevin Spacey is, without doubt, one of the finest actors ever. And if you disagree, watch American Beauty.
This film never fails to focus on the horrors of reality, yet still manages to show the beauty of life. It is not the plot that makes this film, it is the script. Definitely a masterpiece.
The Usual Suspects
Watching this for the first time, although I enjoyed it, I couldn't work out quite what all the fuss was about. Then came the end of the film. And then I realized. I think a twist in a story can often make it, and it is certainly true in this case.
''The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist.''
This was Spacey's first big film, and his performance was easily deserved of the Oscar he one for it. And the advantage this film has over most, is that it is just as enjoyable watching it for a second time, if not more. In fact, I have seen this many a time, and I am still not even close to getting bored of it. Gives a new meaning to the word 'clever'.
The Devil's Advocate
Reeves makes it onto the list again, with an equally as good performance. Pacino does just as well as Satan himself.
Again, it is the double-twist at the end that makes the film what it is. To be able to completely reverse one's perception of a film at the last minute is a true talent, and Taylor Hackford manages it with this one. With clever dialogue and camera trickery, it projects a Hitchcock-style atmosphere to keep you permanently in suspense.
So, there you have it, my favourite five films of the nineties, and, in fact, ever. Although I'm sure half of them will be replaced at some point in the next decade, at which time I'll just have to write another review!
Thanks for reading ''?/