Jun 02, 2001 04:07 AM
This is relatively a simpler topic than choosing twenty best songs! But I did have to grey cells a lot to come up with my favorites of 1990s. After much permutations and combinations, I finally arrived at the list. The following are my favorites movies; those movies which I would love to see again and again and again and.....
Here goes!
Life's like a box of chocolates...you never know what you gonna get.
So True. So Magical. For me, these words are one of the best words I have heard in my life. The movie itself qualifies to be one of the classics made in english movies for me. The autobiographical story of Forrest Gump takes us through a journey of ups and downs, love and friendship, war and its futility, success and family, and finally the innocent heart of Gump. I wouldnt really mention the story line, everyone must have a fair idea of it...and those who havent seen it, then you have missed a great film! There are some very endearing moments in the movie...like when Gump meets his son for the first time, or when his wife and mother pass away, or the hilarious moment when he decides he had enough of running around, or the war in vietnam. The movie also succeeds in bringing some important questions like the futility of vietnam war, or what drugs can make u and so on. Tom Hanks as Gump gives his career best performance, his next one being philadelphia. The other actors too aptly support him, though I dont remember their names. All in all, This movie is a classic not to be missed!
Rarely are sequels better than its prequel. This was one such movie. I consider this movie to be the best movie by James Cameroon. The mind boggling special effects added gloss to the movie. Certainly, one of the best special effects movie ever. Arnold as the iron man gives a commendable performance ( one of those movies...where he did!). The other cast is also good, but the movie itself is held by a strong script and effects. The futuristic story of a iron man coming back in time to save the hero of the future....was intially confusing...but very original indeed! Some of the fight sequences have been picturized amazingly and I still gasp at them whenever I see them again. A certain one of the best on my top movies of 1990s.
Another all time favourite of mine. this is one sleek thriller. Tom Cruise as Ethan Hunt does a wonderful job of a detective. Brain De Palma's directs this thriller as if he were a master of thrills! Ethan'steam is killed during a mission meant to catch a robber who has the NOC list. luckily ethan survives and becomes the immediate suspect.He comes to know that the whole thing was a hoax. he then teams up with MAXto get her the real NOC list. couple of scenes later, he manages to unveil her, as well as get the real culprit who was working against the team. Though, sounding simple, its not a easy story to decipher. this movie comes as a welcome change against James Bond. the gadgets and stuff are state of the earth...especially, the bomb-chewing gum. the pace of the movie never lags, and keeps u hooked till the end. Add to that some spectacular special effects, and you re ready for a visual treat as well. the suspense for a first-timer is mind blowing. and even when u know everything, the movie still manages to entertain whenever u want to get engrossed in a movie. It is one of Tom Cruise's best movie, with other one being Top Gun. The film has a televised look, mainly I think because it was lifted from a televised series. the Noc-list-retrieval stunt is simply breath taking and leaves u at the edge of the seat. this movie is a must for me if I have to enjoy a night.
This romantic movie set against the backdrop of the Titanic is simply breath-taking...though this is the second best by James Cameroon for me. The movie sounds very much like a hindi movie, with hero saving the heroine, then they falling in love, however girl's parents disagreeing, blah..blah later, true love succeeds. But what was so amazing was the way emotions were depicted in the movie...the director really makes you feel Rose and Jack. The visuals are nothing but stunning! The special effects like all Cameroon movies are mind boggling and realistic. Some of the best picturized scenes ever also belong this movie, like the evening scene with Rose and Jack on the rails declaring their love, or the painting which Jack draws on Rose or, the last scene where the older Rose throws the pendant back into the ocean. A lot of people told me they didnt like the ending, but certainly, I think the movie was brilliant in its end. A certain favorite of mine for years to come.
What can I write about this movie. This was the first movie for which Spielberg received the best directors award, though he deserved it for his E.T and many others as well. The life and times of Oscar Schindler are depicted brilliantly indeed.His idea of saving Jews shown convincingly, and very justifiable.This is certainly one of Spielberg's and one should not miss this movie at any cost. The whole movie was picturized in Black and White, except one scene with the girl in red...Did Spielberg intended or not, I dont know. With some amazing visuals to support a strong storyline, this comes across as a truly spell-binding movie.
These are my top favorites of 1990s. The ones which were on my list, but didnt make it to this list were Jurassic park, life is Beautiful, As Good As It Gets, Theres something about mary, Dumb and Dumber, Saving Private Ryan and a few others. May be if the topic was for 10 best movies, then I would have added them too!
Happy Viewing!