Before you buy any products from Eureka Forbes, please do speak with existing customers. If you find at least one customer who is happy with their after sales service, please go ahead and buy yours. I m sure you will not find a single happy customer. Their service is worst in the world. A customer will have to make numerous phone calls and wait for 2 to 3 months before a service is completed. I had to make 30 plus calls in 2 months to replace a switch in my Vaccum Cleaner. They are highly irresponsible, they don't have a centralized customer service to escalate issues and they are unprofessional at all levels. This is across all their product lines. I m using a Vaccum Cleaner and another close friend is using a Water Purifier from Eureka Forbes and our experience is the same.
I recommend Kent for Water Purifiers and Kent, Panasonic, Philips or Black & Decker for Vaccum Cleaners