May 02, 2001 03:36 PM
When I’m on the move in Bombay
And am either hungry or thirsty,
I head for the nearest outlet
Selling chilled, refreshing Energee.
If you are sweating from every pore of your being,
Outdoors in the Bombay heat
There’s nothing to match a cool Energee
To put you firmly back on your feet.
It is quite refreshing and nutritious too
And comes in a variety of flavours:
Strawberry, Pineapple, Orange, Cardamom and Coffee.
Maybe there’s more you could savour.
With all that’s said about aerated soft drinks today,
There’s nothing else with which I’d rather stick
If you are prone to attacks of acidity
Energee acts as a cure, real quick.
Aarey’s distribution system though
Seems to be in a spot of bother,
At one outlet you’re prone to see one flavour
While at some other outlet quite another.
My children usually don’t like milk
But Energee they don’t mind,
You go out and grab yourself an Energee
If your favourite flavour you can find.
May 8th. Added one more verse contributed by member achougoo
At 200ml, quantity seems less.
’’How much’’, I ask, ’’Rs.9’’, he says.
Even as I savour the sweet taste,
Oh! How quickly empty, the bottle gets.