Mar 13, 2003 10:20 AM
(Updated Mar 13, 2003 10:20 AM)
I have scanned through most of the 58 Reviews that have been posted on the basis of individual experiences on this web site cum e-commerce site. Most of the opinions are reported to be negative and emerge from the said individuals' rather bad experiences of shopping through this site. I am happy to write that I constitute a minority opinion with a rather positive experiences on this site.
Firstly, with a huge and diversified inventory base of household merchandise in their virtual shop at reasonable and affordable prices, the basic purpose of this site is to bring the prospective seller(s) and the buyer(s) in direct communication. Most of the financial transactions take place directly between the two parties and does not figure in these transactions.
Secondly, all positive and negative FEEDBACKS in respect of the two parties are prominently displayed on their site, thereby giving both these parties sufficient opportunities to take necessary care and exercise caution, in case the same are warranted.
Thirdly, in addition to the items placed under the AUCTION system, there are a plenty of items which are sold and purchased at FIXED prices. The credibility ratings of the vendors are sufficiently explicit for all prospective purchasers to take note of and act accordingly.
If someone misses to do his home work properly and loses in the bargain, I suppose, he is equally to be blamed for the same.
Having said that, let me agree with many of your Reviewers that there is a definite scope of further improvement and transparency in the working (especially in their back up services) of this e-commerce site. I have made three purchases through this site during the last six months, and carry a rather favourable impression about the site. I think, I got good bargains for the items, I purchased (viz., a Bathroom Scale, A pair of Binoculars and a Music System). The vendors have rated my standing as a customer and I could also rate their products and professionalism.
Since there are many other similar e-marts available in India, one need not be constrained to make purchases through any one particular site, in case he experiences unprofessional behaviour from the Vendor(s) or encounter any shortfall in his expectations from the web site. Many e-shops around the world have closed their business and disappeared during the last one year or so. If has continued to survive and prosper, let us try to ascribe some positive reasons as well for the same.
I, for one, would definitely recommend this site for a first hand experience on a novel way of trading and purchasing.