Feb 19, 2006 10:03 AM
(Updated Feb 19, 2006 10:03 AM)
Are the e-books part of the GenX? Yes, definitely. Are they trendy? Ye-es quite. Are they cheaper than Paper-books? Yes, they are. But are they'better' than a paper book? NO, definitely NOT.
This is the era of the e-books where on the'click of the button' you get to read either a Charles' Dicken's classic or the latest Harry Potter book(and everything in between).
Yes, the e-book is cheaper, considering the fact that you do not need to hunt up the antique store for that copy of Guy De Maupassant nor do you have to buy that hell-expensive 600 odd rupees Harry Potter book, you get that too online.
To justify my statement and make it clear for all the HP Fans out there that they have wasted 600 rupees , there was a most interesting report of the pirated copy of the 6'th HP Book, being circulated in the internet within six hours of its release!(Muhahahahaha.)
Now let me stop being wicked and come back to the point. The fact is, e-books dont cost you a pie, are readily available, have a variety and so on.
But with an e-book, you cannot even entertain the thought of reading in bed and any of the pleasures you derive from a paper book like stroking that cover page, tossing it up and so on.
I can go on like this. But ultimately whether it is an ebook or a paper book, a book lover will continue to be one