Droom.in is the all new Vehicle SERVICE Provider website of India. Many Services being offered by Droom.in in India such as RTO Services, Product Merchandizing, Buying and selling of Old Vehicles, etc.
But the UNIQUE service provided by them is the Fair Market Value of the Old Vehicles. In order to acquire this service, we are required to fill the proper information of the Vehicle for which we need to get the current Value.
With reference to the given Informantion, They Provide us the ESTIMATED value of the Given Vehicle.
I wanted to get the Value of my vehicle. So I followed the whole procedure and after doing so, I got the results. I was amazed to see the VALUE provided by them.
Value provided by them was VERY LESS as compared to the price which I was getting in the market for the same Vehicle. Then I got the idea that they are NOT PROVIDING FAIR VALUE of the Vehicles.
I have seen reviews of MANY USERS that same thing also happened with them. And most of them were getting HIGHER Value in the local market.
So this Website Not actaully present the Fair Value, Insted it shows VERY LESS value comparatively.