Jul 25, 2022 03:44 PM
I was a bit hesitant to post as I was not sure if I have to review the outcome or the process. In the end, I have decided to post this to benefit others.
First of all, Dr. Manulakshmi is a good doctor. She patiently answers your queries and is very knowledgeable. We had a baby a few weeks back, thanks to the doctor.
She also has a terrific success rate with c-sections and that is the biggest problem. She and the clinic will force a c-section upon you, sometimes subtly and often times very openly. While the outcome is always a successful baby birth, I wonder if this is done to improve the success rate or for financial reasons.
My wife is in her late 30s and the doctor's plan was to induce labor at a prescribed date. We do not believe in good and bad dates and selected the earliest date to not mess with the baby(this was our first baby after being married for 15 years). My wife was given the injection for pain induction at about 9 AM.
The doctor came up at about 11:30 AM, called me, and said the pain hasn't started and that it is safer to go for a c-section. I had no choice but to say yes. The operation was successful.
But here are the nuances that most people will not recognize:
1) My father-in-law who was waiting downstairs told me that the doctor was prescribing c-section operation-specific things like a knife, gloves, etc. at about 9:15 AM, to the nurse to buy from a nearby pharmacy. But he did not know that the materials were for his daughter. But I realized later that there was no other delivery at the specified day other than my wife's. I wonder if c-section was pre-decided already, why do the drama of pain induction in the first place?
2) I wonder why my wife was given just 90 minutes to go into labor after the induction, while it is a fact that labor pain can take some time to begin.
3) I spoke to another patient's husband whose wife has also prescribed a c-section. In their case, the patient had a c-section before in the United States for her first birth and the doctor callously told them that it is the only option, as if vaginal birth after c-section(VBAC) is not a thing.
I agree this is just selective bias, but read up about similar reviews about the doctor.
My parting advice is to consult with the doctor for the pregnancy, but ensure you have the delivery done at a different hospital, where normal deliveries are preferred.