Nov 03, 2006 11:59 PM
Domino pizza is one of the most over hyped and below average pizza I have tasted. Take the prabhadevi outlet the customer is made to stand outside the eatery for that price my friendly neighbourhood Udipi will carry me on his head! At Jaslok 30 minutes delivery doesnt mean much after all the kids have got lotsa chatting to do 1 hour is more like it! The Pizza's generally arrive late---- when you go to their outlet to eat;. what then to speak of those who order them at their homes and offices? All the spices and condiments are exotic though, atleast as exotic as their prices. But "30 minutes" seems to be their focus, not the "taste"any way. So it serves those customers right who want a pizza in '30 mins' rather than a 'tasty' pizza. These days I prefer my pizza's at down earth Udipi restaurants rather than Dominos. They don't care for customers who come to their door step. Their pizza's are too bland any way and for those prices it is too much baloney one can take!