Aug 27, 2017 11:42 AM
(via Android App)
(Updated Aug 27, 2017 11:43 AM)
Plz like this review if you liked the title given to her.
OH MY GOD! THIS GIRL CAN MAKE YOU HATE MUSIC FOREVER.THOUGH SHE LOOKS LIKE A SIMPLE TYPICAL KINDA GIRL BUT SHE IS A EXAMPLE OF LIVING LADY DRACULA.I heard her song while using YouTube. I thought she would be among the ones with a beautiful voice, I was proved totally wrong. Seriously she can make your ears bleed. I wonder if your ears might get on a strike after listening to her music.There is nothing to hear in her videos. HER VOICE IS JUST RIDICULOUS and ENORMOUSLY DISGUSTING.NOTE/CAUTION: - ONLY GET YOUR GUTS TO HEAR HER IF YOU ARE READY TO BLEED YOUR EARS AND WANT TO MAKE YOUR MOOD TRUELY BAD.