Jan 20, 2017 04:51 PM
(Updated Jan 20, 2017 04:58 PM)
Most impressively priced high-end multimedia laptops was the Dell XPS 15L502X.The size and shape of the Dell XPS 15 is best described as beefy and bulky, with a flat, wide silver profile that looks like plastic but is actually metal. A thick, slightly tapered base and wide, flat, brushed-aluminum lid look, at first glance, like they belong on a budget laptop. That's not the one we reviewed, though. Unlike last time, Dell sent us a top-of-the-line fully rigged model, the XPS15-L502X, running around$1, 488 on Dell's Web site: a quad-core 2GHz Core i7-2630QM CPU, 8GB of RAM, a 750GB 7, 200rpm hard drive, Nvidia GeForce GT 540M graphics, a Blu-ray drive, and a 1, 920x1, 080-pixel resolution screen, along with a chunky but longer-life nine-cell battery.
It's a heavy beast, and expensive, too, but if you're looking for a media laptop that can blast movies, play games, and show them off on a great screen, the new XPS 15 could be just what you're looking for.SERVICE AND SUPPORT DEPEND QUALITY BOSS.MY USER XPERIENCE IF I SAY UNQUE.