Supercell make a very good game name of CLash of clan . this game have very good concept to make our village and make a village high level with your troops.,
COC have very good and awsome layoput and desgin to make easy game play and easy to used the game with normal controls .
CoC feature=
Coc have gives a very good fuction name as War play . The war play with clanmates .
in this game you chat with ouyr clanmates and dicuss meters .
In this game you purchase gems and many more with your money.
This game is best of best time killer game I ever seen thanks to Supercell make a best game .
COC gam, e also on playstroe an for iphone in aplle store your download this this game and enjoy .
The have totally time passed I recomded to all download this game and passing your free time with this game.
thanks to supercell CLash of clans .