Dec 15, 2005 08:05 PM
(Updated Dec 15, 2005 08:05 PM)
Most of you must have seen Vin Diesel starrer Pitch Black and Chronicles of Riddick, and also must have noticed a story gap between the two movies. Black Fury is the bridge between them. It is an animation movie, and animation is similar to Animatrix style. Its just a 45 minute movie. The story starts after Pitch Black and ends in the beginning of Chronicles of Riddick. It gives you answer to many questions like why Riddick was angry at Imam in Chronicles of Riddick (CoR) and who is Toombs and why is he after Riddick. Vin Diesel has given voice to the Riddck character again. If you liked the two Riddick movies, then this is a must. Riddick's story is completed in four parts: 1. Chronicles of Riddick : Escape from Butcher's Bay - game 2. Pitch Black - movie 3. Chronicles of Riddick : Black Fury - animation movie 4. Chronicles of Riddick - movie