Feb 01, 2017 08:56 PM
I have been using cameras and I have some times failed to pick the right one, and if you are in the same problem i'am here to help you out . Basically camera's are of four types . 1) Point and Shoot: to be honest some of the smart phone camera's can out stand them .
2) Mega Zooms: not good for you if you are not looking for very long distance photography . But when you take a image it looks stunning( short range), and the prices are pretty high .
3) Mirror less: They are like semi professional camera's, they are a good investment .
4) D S L R s: These are cameras in trend now, quality is good, can get them for a good price and if you are not a serious photographer the basic one are good . At times I think some smart phone camera's are very much you need( Apple, Samsung) .
good luck on your adventure and you are awesome .