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Oct 28, 2010 07:55 PM 5015 Views
(Updated Aug 14, 2011 11:51 PM)





Our MS is very Popular in writing Superb Reviews on Movies. We have our Expert Movie-Review Stars, Mr. Jitendra, Mr. Paul & young Bacchho Fenil, who write real good reviews, besides many others.

I thought, let me also, try, writing a Movie Review. Since I’m not capable enough to write a Hindi Movie Review (and well ! don’t want to be Competition to my Dear Star Friends……!! Hehehehehe!!!!!!!!), so I am writing a Review on an English Movie, I recently saw on Zee Studio.The Movie name is “CAST AWAY” (2000). I am not writing it in the Porper Movie Review Style, as all I know, is the Director’s name & the Actor’s name. So read it more like a Story………..& Just ‘seep into’, Tom Hanks Character in this movie & imagine!!!!!!!!!!!

The director of this movie, Mr. Robert Zemeckis, has done a wonderful job & Hats Off to Tom Hanks for the character he plays in this movie, which is too good!!!.

The Story goes like this………..Tom Hanks plays an overworked Federal Express (Courier) Manager (Chuck) who zips from country to country troubleshooting problems & streamlining operations. His mantra is to do anything necessary to get a courier package to its destination On Time. ( A GOOD LESSON FOR US…PLS NOTE!!).

So, one day, Chuck is enjoying Christmas dinner with his girlfriend, Kelly & his family, when a call comes in. He's needed in Malaysia. A short time later, he's airborne, flying through stormy skies over the South Pacific. Suddenly, the plane is off course, there's an explosion, & Chuck finds himself underwater in the belly of a crashed plane. By sheer luck, he is able to escape the sinking wreckage of the plane, & he is washed ashore on a deserted island, the Only Survivor.

With no one around, no shelter, no food, & no obvious signs of an imminent rescue, he has to do whatever he can to survive, clinging to the hope of being reunited with the love of his life, Kelly. The movie takes us following Chuck on his step-by-step journey of survival, where even the smallest things, like getting a drink of coconut milk or using his ingenuity to devise a tool, become significant accomplishments.

You really have to SEE this Movie, to FEELwhat Chuck goes through.

Coming back to this ‘Awesome’ Film…..Chuck is Scared, Terrified, Hungry & has no idea of what to do….or when he will get rescued. He cries, rants, runs about screaming for help. Finally, he is tired & realizes that he has to ‘Accept’ the circumstances & Survive. So he walks all about the island, looking for a place to stay in safe & dry & he finds a small cave, nice and cozy.

A few of the Federal Express (Courier) parcels have also got washed ashore & Chuck sits to open them, in the hope of finding something to eat. He gets some cans of food, a pair of Ice Skates & a Soccer ball. He looks around & finds some coconuts on the beach….but how to open them??? Then see his intelligence…he uses the sharp blades of the ice skates to cut the coconut……The way he struggles doing it……is really filmed so Naturally!!. He manages to get it opened, and he drinks thirstly……….Its so heartbreaking!!!!!!! Then he scrapes the coconut inside & eats it…..his only food available!!

Days pass & Chuck then realizes that he cannot live on coconuts forever, so he tries to catch small fishes in the shallow waters near the beach. He has no slippers, no shoes & his legs gets cut in the rocks & with bleeding feet, he struggles to catch one fish. Then he realizes he can’t eat it raw, he has to cook it. No matches !!!!!!! What will he do !!!!!!!!! Gawd !! the way this film is depicted is just Super ‘ NATURAL ’ !!. He remembers his science & he takes two pieces of twigs & keeps rubbing it. Poor guy, spends almost half a day rubbing & his fingers are all sore, the wind is also hampering the spark to catch!!! Then At Last…a spark is produced & he is so happy, he laughs for joy, running & getting more twigs, sticks & leaves & throwing them in, making a fire. And he shouts with joy “I’ve made Fire!!, I’ve made Fire!!”. This scene is so touching…even I clapped my hands for joy!!!!!!!

He cooks his fish & crabs on it & eats them….Poor Guy!!! Cattie’s heart went out to him….Imagine eating, roasted fish with no salt, no tasty masala !!!! Shows, how when there is nothing else to eat & ur stomach is pinching…….man can eat anything!! Just to survive!!

Another touching part is this Soccer Ball. One day, his legs were bleeding & he touches the ball with his blood stained hands, & draws a face like image on the soccer ball. Chuck gets amused with it & he tries putting hair on the ball top above the face by cutting the ball & pulling its strings out….& slowly it looks like a face with short hair standing up on the head. He then names this creation of his, Wilson & treats him like his Companion & talk to him while doing each & every thing……..Its really so touching !! Over the next four years he spends as a castaway, talking to his Soccer ball face ‘Wilson’.

Time passes & Chuck counts the days, by scraping lines on the stone walls of his cave, where he kept his girl-friend’s locket kept on a rock, the driving force, to survive & find a way to get off the island, back to his hometown. He soon, becomes an Ace Fish Hunter using a long wooden, sharp edged spear like thing, which he makes & catches fish. He even learns to develop a taste to eat raw fish!!! He even learns to make rope from the tree barks….Ingenuity at its best !!. One day, a sort of sail thick plastic, washes onto the shore & seeing it Chuck decides to make a raft sort of & try his luck to sail in the sea.

He gathers long logs of wood & with his own hand made ropes (which takes him 6 months to make!!!), he ties them together, puts the thick plastic as a sail & taking his Friend ‘Wilson’ with him, he gets onto the raft & with the help of the wind, putting his hope in GOD, he sails away…….Night comes & there is a huge storm at sea but somehow, Chuck manages to cling onto the raft, & thankfully the raft he built is strong enough & except for whirling from side to side, it remains afloat. His companion, Wilson (Soccer ball) is tied on the sail pole of the raft. When morning comes, he notices that the rope binding his ‘Wilson’ has nearly come out & as he rushes to tie it again, he slips & the rafts shakes, making Wilson, fall into the water & drift away….


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Cast Away