Dec 21, 2002 12:02 AM
(Updated Dec 21, 2002 12:02 AM)
Our eyes are indeed a marvel of sight, perception, and reception.It is said that the eyes are the gate way to soul…….is it? Any way it is very imp to take good care of your eyes
Weak eye sight has many disadvantages:therefore u should work towards strengthening your eyesight.
While reading or writing make sure that ther’s enough light in behind you or above you.But not in the front as it may hurt your eyes.Give your eyes a break of 15 mins after every hour of study.During that time learn to do some exercises……Blink your eyes for a few secs and then cup your eyes in your hands.This helps to relax your eyes and freshen them up.
Use warm tea bags on your eyes if you wish to take a short break from your job and use chilled tea bags when u wanna up and start work again!
You should not read in moving vehicles as this shifting of vision creates strained and weak eyes.
If your eyes look dull, give them an eye bathwith a small pinch of salt mixed with tap water.Bathe your eyes using palm of your hand as this helps dull eyes look brighter.Crushed mint paste is good for dark circles(.
As all knows on the bad effects of watching TV so near……avoid! ie the simple advice that all can give.
If your eyes give you trouble, do not delay-consult an eye specialist immediately