Jan 16, 2016 01:09 PM
Hello friends, 5 star is good enough but dont you think it has qualitatively not that much standard and only thinking about quantitave basic, that is what Indian prefer most.Cadbury 5 Star is microbiologically safe to eat, but its high sugar content and poor labeling standards, wherein it does not specify the artificial or nature identical flavors used, makes us give it a lower than median safety rating.
The product contains vegetable oil but the brand has not specified which vegetable oil has been used. This is irresponsible practice as customers must know for a variety of food safety reasons.
In addition, we think chocolates must specify the cocoa percentage, which Cadbury 5 Star does not.
Only two chocolate brands(which are both imported) Toblerone and Ferrero Rocher voluntarily declare the cocoa content on their label. The very fact that none of the other major Indian brands declare their product information speaks volumes.