Mar 04, 2020 04:51 PM
I was contacted by Bytedance's team for a Brand Strategist position in Bangalore. However, I wasn't pleased with the "conveyor belt hiring" attitude the recruiter had while speaking. Hence a day later I withdrew my application via email. The next day another Bytedance recruiter called asking why I withdrew wherein I had mentioned that the recruiter(Sushmita) I spoke to earlier to had a very cut-throat way of handling a candidate and I did not want to entertain that.
This is when the harassment began. Once I had complained, the Recruiter(Sushmita) ended up calling me 5 times during a workday demanding why I had the nerve to complain about her. And when I had mentioned that I was merely giving feedback, it quickly became a demeaning and frankly insulting conversation(the if-not-you-I-still-have-plenty-of-other-candidates-like-you tangent).
Recruiters are representatives of a brand. And I feel that this is behavior is reflective of Bytedance's overall approach towards all its candidates and hence its employees. This is largely the reason I avoided the opportunity despite it being one of the popular new-age platforms. If you want to work for a company that would value you, I would suggest giving Bytedance a skip!