Oct 02, 2015 08:56 AM
(via Android App)
(Updated Oct 02, 2015 08:56 AM)
BQ Aquearis E5 HD is unique and craft desgined. the Aquaris E5 is made from the best high quality polycarbonates. Aquaris E5 is lightweight device, with a smooth Swedish finish and thinness. It has 2G and 3G technology with good network coberage. for choose different operators for price of calling and many more plan You have provided dual sim slot in Aquaris smartphone.
Aquaris E5 has notification led which blink on email, network, coverage, sms and charging. For enjoy high quality sound E5 has dolby technology. E5 has android kitkat 4.4 version with superb CPU. E5 HD has 5 big screen and for take photo and video it has good quality HD cemra which is 13 mega and 5 mega with dual flash. E5 is 16 GB internal with 1GB Ram and for user it is 13 GB available. For give good backup E5 is 2500 mAH battary. E5 is good sensor. I fully satisfied from BQ Aquaris E5. Overall this is superb fabulous and unique smartphone.