Oct 16, 2017 06:49 PM
Boston is a very famous and known brand for Contact lenses. I have used Boston Contact Lens in my Ist year of my College Studies(in 2004). That tme I shamed to wear glasses so I asked my father to bring me Contact lenses because my close friend uses the same brand of Boston Contact lens for her personal use. So I asked my father for me also.
My dad and I go for a famous Optical shop and they also told that Boston Contact lens is the best in this lens field. So I happily buy this and used this with joy.
It is worthy and relatively cheap in the side of cost also.
Durability is good. All the contact lenses should be changed in a year. If we maintain it it may last for another month or two. Boston company itself sell the solution for this lens in which we have to soak it overnight. The solution also available in various quantity. We can buy as our wish. It is also worthy. We should be very careful in using the contact lenses. We should not bath, Should not sit neat window seat in bus, should not sleep with that contact lens.
It is very easy to handle and use the contact lens. We can comfortably feel after we wear it. We will not feel any difference. It will not irritate our eyes. There is no side effect in using this Boston Contact lens. It is very big advantage and very important features. We can get Exceptional vision at all distances through this lens.
It is available for many different sight problems like+1.5, +2, +2.5 etc., and -1.5, -2, -2.5 etc., . We can buy whatever which suits for us. My eyesight is -2.5 at that time. It is also available in many colours. We can buy different coulours if we want and to change our look. I hihgly recommend this Boston Contact Lens to all people who wants to buy and getting confused what to choose.
Thanking you