Sep 16, 2002 09:27 PM
(Updated Sep 16, 2002 09:27 PM)
We can smell the heroism of the movies from its title and so is this movie - BOMBAY.
What we expect from a movie is all incorporated and nourished in an awesome and fabulous way.
The innocence of shabana captured me the most.
The basic theme was to make the common man realise that communal riots does no good for their family and nation as a whole.Combination of Maniratnam,a.r.rehman and arvind swamy has already given a big hit like ''ROJA''.This was just another one.My sympathy to those who havent watched this movie yet.Anyways coming to the movie:-
1]Arvind swamy - a village guy- fraduates himself from madras as a repoter.comes back to his village on vacation and falls in love with my darling manisha.
2] manisha from a muslim family and apnaa arvind bhai from an orthodox hindu southindian family.Family disagreemnent in regards to their marraige.Arvinds goes back to aamchi mumbai and sends manisha the train ticket.
3]They get married at the court in bandra followed by an awesome song sung by REMO bhaiyaa called ''HUMMA''.Arvind swamy finally gets an opportunity to kiss manisha after a starting trouble.{pun intended}
4]The scenario of riots is shown in the most wonderful ways never before in the history of indian cinema.Saffron clothes and white caps fight with each other {i'am not here to speak on communalism}.
5] The couples have twin sons,both looking similar ;-).The are lost amidst the riots and inlaws of both sides are killed.
6] Arvind swamy takes enuf efforts to find the kids and manisha sheds her tears in all ways.Statistics reveal that 50% of the producers money is spent on buying TINGER and TOMATO KETCHUP TO SHOW BLOOD.
7] last 10 mins of the movie- they find the kid ;oh sorry! the kids find their parents.The role of a YUNUK captured the audience the most.I dont belong to those group of audience and neither do u.
The film has got everything at its best.FULTU PAISA VASOOL; BOLE THO KYAA....
Guys and Gals watch thy movie
Thou shall u be blessed with entertainment.