Mar 10, 2003 07:02 AM
(Updated Mar 10, 2003 07:06 AM)
Bolt is a cool place to hang out, I have been on it for almost two years now, it doesn't get boring.
It's really easy to use, it's aesthetically pleasing, and it doesn't get boring like most sites you sign up for or have to log into.
Interesting formula they have there, works much better than most average boards...
Hundreds of thousands of users, interesting icons, original concepts!
The best features are the pictures, tagbooks, and clubs
the worst are some of the users who can be VERY irritating, argh! It's still a great site though, my favourite!
My user name is Red_Wasabi, and if you can, I highly recommend it;) Check it out, and drop me a bolt note when you find out what that