Oct 04, 2015 10:52 AM
Black Mass is a movie that revolves around the underworld of Boston and the guy named Jim Bulger who took down the Italian mafia from the Boston territory. If you have seen The Departed then it would be really easy for you to understand the context and subtext of this movie. The Departed is doubtfully the best movie made on underworld since then I have not seen such a good movie. But, Black Mass fulfils the expectation. 100 out of 100 marks for our buddy Johnnie Depp.
I am just glad that we have this actor in our life. He makes every role the best role. Even the film is litlle slow paced but it keeps you engage. Plus the acting skills of Johnnie Depp keeps you totally engrosed in the storyline. He has literally crafted each and every scene. The movie is excellent on every from right from cinematography to background music. Other cast does their job well. It is a must watch film for the lovers of sensible cinema. 4 star out of 5.