Jul 13, 2008 01:25 PM
I received a statement recently from BMF showing my bank acount details wrongly. You guys will be surprised but it took them 4 months to get this trivial details corrected. I finally had to approach their western region head to get the mistake rectified.
I was running 3 SIP's in advantage fund, midcap fund and equity fund. I have terminated all 3 of them after realizing the poor service standards. We sometimes take this king of service as a standard and ignore such poor standards. I reviewed all their schemes on valueresearcindia.com and not surprisingly most of them are doing below average!
A mutual fund house will do well or not depends on all aspects of the service. When we have so many choices now I would not recommend birla products since the customer care is really horrendous. And for returns you will get similar funds or even better in another mutual fund house. Always see the ratings on the website valueresearchonline.com.