Jun 17, 2023 09:34 AM
Bediya attempts to explore the mythical world of werewolves within an Indian setting in North-East but fails to deliver a compelling and original narrative. The film is marred by disappointing performances for the cast and a shamelessly cheap freemake of various Hollywood wolf movies/series, leaving audiences longing for a more engaging and authentic experience.
One of the major letdowns of Bediya lies in its cast performances. Despite having potential, the actors seem to lack the necessary depth and conviction to bring their characters to life. Their portrayals feel uninspired and fail to evoke any genuine emotions. This lack of chemistry and authenticity greatly hampers the overall viewing experience.
The film's narrative is equally problematic, suffering from a dragging and unengaging storytelling approach. The pacing feels sluggish, making it difficult to remain invested in the plot. Scenes that should be suspenseful or thrilling fall flat due to poor execution, resulting in missed opportunities to create tension and excitement. The screenplay fails to offer any fresh perspectives on the werewolf genre, relying heavily on worn-out tropes and predictable twists.
Despite these glaring flaws, Bediya does manage to salvage some redeeming qualities in the form of Arjith's captivating song, "Apna Bana Le." The soulful composition stands out amidst the mediocrity, serving as a brief respite in an otherwise lackluster cinematic experience. Arjith's heartfelt vocals and meaningful lyrics inject a much-needed dose of emotion, momentarily lifting the film's overall quality.
It is disheartening to see Bediya squander its potential by resorting to subpar performances, unoriginal storytelling, and an evident lack of creativity. Viewers seeking a fresh take on the werewolf genre will find themselves sorely disappointed. While Arjith's beautiful song provides a fleeting bright spot, it is not enough to salvage the film's overall lackluster execution.
In conclusion, Bediya fails to rise above its inherent weaknesses, ultimately delivering a forgettable and underwhelming cinematic experience. It's a disheartening reminder that a promising premise does not always translate into an enjoyable and well-carfted film.