Jul 30, 2009 02:31 PM
(Updated Jul 30, 2009 10:13 PM)
Who am I to write a review on “Bhagawad Gita”! That will amount to blasphemy. The best part of being associated with University Studies was introduction to University Library and British Library. From one of these libraries, I got “Gita” interpretation by Dr. S Radhakrishnan. It took time for me to read and appreciate the contents of the pearl of wisdom carried by this sacred book! It is the dialogue between two Puranic Characters in Hindu Mythology – Arjuna, the warrior who was perplexed and Lord Krishna – Symbol of wisdomwho guides the confused human being.
Even if, Gita is a part of Epic, Mahabharata, it has got a separate identity. There are theories like, Gita was not part of Mahabharata but was later on added as part of the famous epic so that it will reach out to masses. Let us park the genesis, theories and myths associated with Gita. Mine is an attempt to pass on the learning that enriched my life. Gita is much beyond a religious scripture and transcends the boundaries created by human beings. I offer my obeisance to providence who blessed me with the opportunity to read, comprehend and share knowledge with fellow human beings.
Battle of Kurukshetrawas about to begin that can be symbolised as larger life. One side, you have Kauravas representing the evil forces endowed with artillery and soldiers. On the other side, you have Pandavas, symbol of righteousness having Lord Krishna who vowed not to use any weapons but will remain as the chariot rider of Arjuna. Arjuna, the warrior was shocked to see most respectful Bhishma Pitamah, his teacher Dronacharya and many others on the other side and wondered how to use weapon against near and dear ones. While he is confused with this dilemma, Lord Krishna answers the questions of Arjuna which can be applied to any situations in life – This is all about the dramatis personae and storyline of Bhagawad Gita.
Three classes of Transcendentalists –Lord Krishna explain this concept and term them as Jnani (impresonalist), Yogi (Meditator) and Bhakta (Devotee). All of them have got their own purpose and ways to perform their duty in a righteous manner. All of them are subject to the tribulations of day to day life. There a few who question or dwell too much about the root cause of these tribulations. When these questions are elevated beyond the human level of self esteem and yearning for self actualisation, it is termed as “brahma jijnasa”. Gita tries to establish the real purpose of life and bequeath absolute answers to those questions.
The subject of Bhagawad Gita entails the comprehension of five basic truths viz –
The existence of God is explained and then the constitutional position of the living entities (Jivas). Jivais controlled by Iswara(Almighty) which is manifesting as reason (Freudian psychology –Ego or Super Ego, that sanitise basic instinct id)
Prakriti(Material nature), Samay(duration of existence of universe, which is the manifestation of Prakriti) and Karma(activities in which we are indulged) were also discussed in detail. Gita establish the connection between these five elements, it’s manifestation and how supreme lord
(Brahman) control the same. Infact the concept of Brahman in Hinduism can be considered as what has been discussed in Islam as Allah orJehovah in Christianity. All religion, explain the existence of a supreme lord who is not having any qualities that can be perceived through five senses.
Three yogas defined in Gita are elaborated in brief -
Jnana / Sankhya Yoga - This defines the course of one who is unattached to the fruits of his action and who works as he is obligated is in the renounced order of life, and he is the true mystic. It will guide aid you to realise discriminate between real and unreal. This will invite your attention to a deeper level beyond the sensory perceptions.
Karma Yoga -This advocates performing the work to best of your abilities with awareness without being attached with the outcome. One becomes an instrument of action and this will lead to reward or punishment. Karma yoga liberates us from the limited sense of identification. It advocates us to do away with the mental and emotional blockages that are lying dormant in the inner recesses of mind. Remember the quote by William Bennet - "There are no menial jobs, only menial attitudes"
Bhakti Yoga- This is all about offering yourself to the higher altar and surrenders yourself to supereme lord. This demands, liberation from desires and focus mind towards attaining salvation.
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