Sep 24, 2001 11:28 AM
Texas A&M in College Station, Texas is a land, sea and space-grant. The university is centrally located from the four largest cities in Texas. They are Houston, Dallas and San Antonio. The University is also located near the state capital of Austin. Enrollment in the university includes approximately 44,000 students. These students are studying for degrees in 10 academic colleges.
Here is a little trivia for you! The A & M in Texas A&M once stood for Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas. That no longer holds true but the name has been kept out of tradition. The school now offers many other courses as well as the first two that started on October 4, 1876. They are architecture, business, education, geosciences, liberal arts, medicine, science, and veterinary medicine. Pretty impressive huh?
In our ever changing world Texas A&M now holds the title of being the first academic institution in the world to have cloned three animals. They have successfully cloned a pig, goats and cattle. They are currently working to clone dogs, cats, and horses. This could open up the door for many more arguments on either side of the debate for or against cloning. The hope on cloning pigs is that they can be used in medicine and agriculture. To my way of thinking that means cloned pig for dinner. If you are interested in reading more about the cloning you may go to where you will find the complete story. It is very interesting reading.
The college offers tours for prospective students and parents. You will be made familiar with all aspects of college life. Traditions, courses and the overall campus life will be discussed and shared with you and your family. The college has taken great time to make this transition time from high school to college a fairly smooth one and one you will look forward to.
The Distance Education part of the college has been of the most interest to me at this point in my life. If you wish to enroll you must be either a graduate student (G7) or as a post-baccalaureate, non-degree seeking student (G6). I am the non-degree seeking student or the (G6). I want the leisure offered to take a course here and there as my life permits and not be held to a rigorous schedule or time table. The cost per semester hour is $50 but if you consider I am not driving, eating meals out or grabbing snacks to class or from class it seems a fair price. Also I am not responsible for other fees that on campus students must pay. The fees are health center fee ($48), the university enter complex fee ($30), and the recreational sports fee ($50). These little fees can add up when you are on a limited budget not to mention the cost of books and supplies.
In closing I would have to say that my experience with Texas A&M has been a good one. I have found the staff to be friendly both on the phone and in e-mails. I am making plans to enroll in the spring semester and the help I have received has been wonderful. I have had encouragement as a mom and as a “non traditional student” which makes me feel funny but I can get used to it. The web site is awesome. You can find what you want very easily and get back to where you were with no problems. Please feel free to check it out when you can and learn a little history on the way!