Apr 07, 2016 10:44 PM
Typically made Zack Snyder movie. If you understand and like his work then you'll gonna love this movie. Zack makes long length movies as we know, this one is more than 2 hours and 30 mints of run-time. One step ahead of previous Man of Steel.
Henry Cavill as Superman look good. Amy Adams looks beautiful as Lois lane as usual. Ben Affleck as Batman is promising. Personally, I liked him a lot as Daredevil, He played very well. In this movie he has portrayed better version of Bruce Wayne/Batman, but still I'd like Christian Bale as Batman. But still, no complaint on Affleck. Alfred looks bit young and energetic and intelligent. What surprise me most is Jesse Eisenberg. I mean his timing of dialogues delivery is awesome in his every movies. As Lex Luthor he's just awsome. This is the best Lex Luthor I've seen so far. Gal Gadot here as Wonder Woman and she just own this character. She is way batter then fast and furious movies. Can't wait to see her in solo Wonder woman Movie. And, Fianlly, there is a Doomsday, obviously like in comic, Superman has to die to kill Doomsday. Sorry for the spoiler. There is a small cameos featuring Aquaman, Flash and Cyborg. So, definitely Justice League is in the making.
Last 40-50 minutes in this movie is pure action. You want to see just action scene then enjoy it at last 40-50 minutes. Whenever Doomsday comes on the screen You'll see destruction everywhere. Gal Gadot shows her Wonder Woman avatar at this point only. CGI in few scenes looks terrible. Background score/Soundtracks are nice too. Wonder Woman's entry music is just rocking.
Zack Snyder comes in categories of Hollywood directors like Christopher Nolan, David.O.Russell and Quentin Tarantino. He is brilliant in movie making. But I felt little bit disappointed in this movie because of poor CGI/Special Effects. They are few scenes which poorly made other wise Cinematography is good. If you have seen Zack's previous movies like Watchman, Dawn of the Dead, Sucker Punch, 300 and Man of Steel. Zack makes movie in such a color tone that its feel like you are watching giant moving painting. But, You'll see little difference in this movie.
Overall, Movie is definitely a must watch. My advice to watch this movie in IMAX cinema. Dont go for 3D, because its Zack's movie and already dark toned.