Mar 31, 2007 01:26 AM
Bank of America is by far the worst company I've EVER dealt with! I used to love MBNA, but once they were bought over by Bank of America, I've had NOTHING but issues with them. Also, their credit card service workers are horrible, rude, and obnoxious. I recently mailed a deposit to my money market account, and low and behold, the address had changed.
I never got the new address information, and I can't find it online because their stupid website is unattainable. So now I have to void my check (and pay the charges for that) and drive to a Bank of America to put the deposit in. Ridiculous! On top of that, there are numerous credit card problems since they switched over, and I have been treated horribly by two of them. I am looking right now to switch my entire account over to someone else!