Mar 23, 2016 06:09 PM
It is a good nutritional suppliment . it si used by me . it is available I 500gms chocalate flavour . it is very good to tsaste . I will ies two spoon of thid powder in amilk and take it in morning . now in a summer I get tired and huge sweat will come in morning time . when I drink I feel some what fres in my body . I am taking from 2months. in my family my brother is also planning to get this suppliement from monday.
It is a complete tasty and healthy drink even childrens aboue 17 can drink this helps childrens to study in a fresh mood to exam . if any one wants to take this please take this nutritional drink which is very good for health . if elders and aged people takes this they will get a frsh health mood in them . one thing I want to tell thayt they should takre at least one m, onth continuous than only good result will come