The Aws is a cloud computing service provider that provides computing services like hardware, software, database, applications and many more via the Internet to the user.
The Aws provide the on-demand and pay-as-you-go services. It also provides the 3 services.
Iaas(Infrastructure as a Service) ,
Paas(Platform as a Service) and
SaaS(Software as a Service).
The Aws offers the customer a free tier of 12 months. There are so many services providing the aws in free tier like Amazon EC2 , S3 and many more .
This company is trustable and safe to use. This company is basically an advantage for the small company who doesn't want to invest in installing and managing the servers. This service provider is used by many big companies, like LinkedIn, Netflix, etc.
Aws also provides the Aws pricing calculator, which is called Monthly calculator. The aws is basically based on how much the user used the services .
But there is only one drawback, which is that if we want to use any services it, requires the internet.