Apr 28, 2018 11:03 PM
Hi friends,
I have been sitting tight to yearn for this motion picture trailer. At the point when the trailer comes, it was considerably more prominent than I anticipated. I am a huge aficionado of Wonder.
In beginning off the trailer we can see the earth from space then Tony Stark arrives in an extremely tense temperament contemplating something.
After that we can see Bruce flag and specialist unusual seen and in there other seen we can see a vision in a human body with red witch.
At that point comes our Thor in Gatekeepers of the universe spaceship. At that point there is a seen of Bruce pennant and dark dowager, I think they were in Wakanda.
There are significantly more noteworthy scenes in the trailer which I can't clear yet my most loved is when Chief America, Dark puma, Mass and different characters battles seen.
Extremely sitting tight for this film.