May 09, 2018 05:56 AM
(via Android App)
(Updated May 15, 2018 07:56 PM)
The infinity war movie is of the marvel comics that facinates us with the one of the most thriller and the graphic movie the infinity war movie is about the fight of the Avengers with the cruel the most powerful villain i.e Thanos the Thanos is the Alien and he had a wish to become the most powerful person in the universe and there happens the great fight between the Avengers and the army of Thanos the main aim of the Thanos was to collect all the infinity stones like the soul stone, time stone, vision stone, power stone, and more 2 stones at last there is the suspense given in the movie it is the thriller suspense and in the next part the death of the Avengers will be clarified The next parts will be released in the next two years in upcoming parts the left avengers will fight with the Thanos and there will will be a twist of DR.strange so guys wait for the next part