Oct 31, 2017 08:48 AM
Hile I do like the storyline and the bits of historical significance that this game offers, this ACR left little to be happy about. I won't repeat with others have said, just that the game is glitchy and the ending, well, it was very disappointing; why even end that way, I would be more satisfied ending the game and not go to the Palace, what was the purpose again?
If this is the end of the franchise, I'm disappointed how ACR ended. Also, I agree with one of the readers, why not move the franchise forward to the 19th century or 20th century, there's plenty of history that can be covered and you can expand on what happened to Connor from AC4; does he have family, did he teach them the ways of the Assassins etc. I would like to see that story continue to include other parts of history, how about expansion of the west, how about the battle of the Alamo, Custer's last stand, there's much to go on.
I'd love to rate this volume in the AC series higher but with the game play and glitches, I find this rating fare