I had heard a lot about the Armani handbags and I was personly very much tempted to buy one but it was really expensive and I didn't thought of buying it at first but when I heard about a discount on it I couldn't let this opportunity slide. So I went to the Armani store in sector 17 chandigarh official Armani shop to buy myself a nice handbag for myself.
The price was whooping high at the store with the starting price of handbags from 20000 rupees. But I was prepared for it and I bought the handbag I liked at 15000 rupees which was very high quality leather as I was told by the seller. The pockets inside was of high leather with titanium zips and silver chain at the sides.
I got a lot of compliments from my friends as it was really fashionable and of a high brand. I have been using the purse for social meeting and gathering or parties and its been 2 years and not even a tiny bit of wear and tear is visible and I am really satisfied with the product.
Yes I do agree that its expensive and not everyone's cup of tea but if you ever buy one you will not be disappointed at all. Very solid product and durable and I am happy with it.