The entrance itself tells the museum established in the year 1956 by the Archaeological Survey of India with garden area and open yard has rock cross bars, coping stones, pillers , brick structures, etc.
Museum opens at 10 AM and closed on 5 PM
The two galleries of museum of which first one has Budha Idols in different Mudras, Railing pillers, miniature pot, Glass panels with small tools, decorative stones used at olden time.
The museum has bronze statues too.
Second gallery have glass covered displays with Saptamana Patrika, Dasavataras of Lord Vishnu Murthy and ashta dikpalakas .
There was also Multimedia Museum displaying photos, videos of Mahabodhi temple 1960s time.
The museums all collection is from the excavations of damaged parts at Mahabidhi temple during maintainance works.