Purchased the iPhone 8 outright in February this year, the first time I have bought one outright. Plans are getting so expensive, the price of the iPhone 8 outright was worth the upfront cost to save a fortune on SIM only plans. The beauty of Apple products is being able to resell the previous model at a decent price and recoup some funds.
The look and feel of the iPhone 8 felt sleek and expensive, but not too different from the model. I didn't like the feel of the home button at first, but as with all Apple products they seem to become seamless after a while, and I struggle to remember what has even changed! That's I am pretty loyal to Apple - they know just how far out of my comfort zone I am willing to go, and don't push it too far.
I definitely notice the battery lasts longer than previous models, and my usage has increased this year as well. I now watch Netflix on my phone to and from work and the size of the screen and the quality on the phone is exceptional. With an added 90 minutes of viewing ( train time! ) per day, every day, I have tested the battery life significantly and it hasn't let me down.
I also feel like the screen is more solid and better quality this time around. In the past my friends would drop and crack their screens on a regular basis, and with the iPhone 8 we have all commented that we've dropped out phones, hard, and no one has cracked a screen yet ( touch wood! ).
I think the only thing I would change about the phone is the camera quality, because I get so envious when I see my Samsung friends take photos and the quality is exceptional. Comparing an iPhone 8 photo and a 5 year old Samsung photo, the Samsung wins every day of the week. I don't know why Apple doesn't step this up, but for a new release phone like the iPhone 8, I would have expected better. In saying that, when not comparing to others and just taking my own shots, I am happy enough. The 8 doesn't produce bad photos, it's just they aren't as good as Samsung.
Overall, I am extremely satisfied with the iPhone 8, and glad I upgraded.