May 16, 2015 06:30 PM
(via Mobile)
(Updated May 16, 2015 06:30 PM)
I am soo in love with this giant phone! but I think 5s is the perfect size phone. 4inch' screen is perfectly nice! I think 6 and 5 dun have any big comparison especially on camera.
The camera is just brilliant. IPhone 6 Plus if you like bigger screen, higher resolution, better battery life, optical image stabilization I’m using last 1 month iPhone 6+ and my experience on iph6+ is superb. Its run smooth and responds fast multitasking also good while comparing with SG4I9500. IPhone 6+ camera and video quality awesome. Battery is also superb 100% charge u can use for 1 day without recharging again.
Its smooth and fast responds and coming to backup battery its superb and issue about battery life. Camera its takes good picture and video
it's awesome. I love it.