Jan 19, 2011 01:53 AM
Animal Farm is a novel that can be looked upon with varying perspectives. It can be considered a humorous animal story, a fable which reveals human weaknesses and strengths by seeing those characteristics acted out by animals. At the sametime, it also represents a satire of the events of Russian revolution and the rise of Russian Communism in the years of 1917 to 1940’s.
MY BELIEF: According to my understandings, I find it a perfect analysis of how and why revolutions fail and how power corrupts. How people with most brilliants of brain and greatest of hearts can stumble when the testing times come on them. Different characters of Animal farm - along with representing the different historical figures that shaped the Russian Revolution and to some extents the events of Second World War – represent varying human natures. It is a great depiction of the fact that utopia is never achievable; all human beings can never be equal and have same rights.
A group of people can struggle in equality, hand in hand, while fighting for the liberty from oppression. But once the freedom is achieved, they cannot exist as equal, with their varying mental and physical capacities, they have to choose a leader among themselves, to lead them; but moment the leader is chosen – most often than not - the allure and fascination of power corrupts the hearts and minds of greatest of leaders which finally leads to another tyrant.
George Orwell who, at first, welcomed and followed the concept of Communism - even fought for it with communists in the Spanish civil war – realized, during the war, the drawbacks and shortcomings of it. Through Animal Farm author has attempted to make a point that if Capitalism is not the way for the world then so is Communism, there has to be middle way, that’s Socialism.
ABOUT THE STORY: Major, a boar,(rep. of Karl Marx) gathers the animals of Manor Farm and tells them his prophecy of a rebellion that will take place someday, against Mr. Jones, Farm owner, (rep of Tsar) that will lead, to a dream of equality for all, a dream of Animalism(Communism). Major dies and sooner than expected the animals get together and fight against the Mr. Jones and his fellow humans, the fight results in expulsion of humans and Farm comes under the ownership of animals and is given the name of Animal Farm. It all starts too well, with formation of seven commandments for all members to follow. Then starts the tussles between the two leaders, boars, Napoleon (rep. of Stalin) and Snowball (rep. of Trostsky) regarding the policies of the farm. Two neighboring farms, play the parts of England and Germany to shape the future if Animal Farm. With passage of times, all animals, except pigs and dogs, again find themselves in same circumstances as in the times of Mr. Jones with Napoleon shaping into a dictator and bringing back the inequality, even worse.
The anthem of Animal farm “Beasts of England” is something to look forward to; here is a stanza:
"Sooner or later the day is coming
Tyrant Man shall be over thrown
And the fruitful fields of England
Shall be trod by beasts alone."
Also, the way pigs alter the content of seven commandments, with passage of time, to fulfill their mean intentions impress the most.
e.g “All animals are equal” is modified to “All animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others” and
“No animal shall sleep in bed” is modified as “No animal shall sleep in bed with sheet"
The characters of Boxer (Horse), the loyalist (Napoleon is always right) and the hard worker; and Snowball (Boar) rep. of Trotsky impressed the most.
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: It’s only after reading books by an author that you can really judge him. For me George Orwell is one of the greatest writers that I have ever read. The brilliance with which he has covered the events in the form of a fable is beyond appreciation. Never before, have I read anything like it.
Being the son of an English soldier appointed in East India Company during British rule, he lived an early part of his life in India and Burma and from that came one of his book “Burmese Days” and that’s how he wrote most of his books, from experience. “Animal Farm” and “1984” are two books that’ll always keep George Orwell alive in the world of literature.
FINAL WORDS: Read the book, and in the midst of all humorous acts, you will discover the ugly face of humanity and truths behind one of the big event of history; the Russian Revolution and rise of Communism. When you’ll finish reading it, if nothing else, atleast you’ll have the clear cut idea of what Capitalism, Communism and Socialism is all about.
Take Care and Keep Writing
Vikky Gural