Sep 25, 2017 08:20 AM
Nutrilite daily is a special product from Amway which comes under dietary supplements. It contains powerful multivitamins and minerals. It is a simple yet effective multivitamin formula packed in a small pack of tablets. The tablets are designed to be used once in a day that filfills all your vitamin and minerals needs.
It contains all organic ingredients which are also knows as phytonutrients like alfalfa, carrot, parsley, spinach, acerola cherry, watercress and more. No artificial or chemically prepared sustance is added to nutrilite daily. As per normal body requirements, it contains the vital 13 vitamins and 11 minerals that keeps you moving all day without feeling lethargic.
All Amway nutrilite Daily capsules comes with special nutrilock coating that makes them easy to swallow and it doesn't get struck in your neck.
Nutrilite Daily Benefits:
- Better Immunity 2. Instant Energy 3. Protects from Disease 4. Healthy Skin and Hair 5. Makes your bone stronger
The normal dosage is one tablet per day. Not to be increased unless recommended by the physician.
It is recommended for 12 years and above age people, Not recommeded for childrens.
It is not recommeded to be used by all women which are pregnent or breat-feedling their babies.
Price: The product is very costly but it gives you real stamina.
Overall it is highly recommended product for everyone!:)