Sep 14, 2016 12:16 PM
Amsterdam is a real craft work. Everything from music character sketches, plot development, vivid description, the subtleties of humor to the scene, a job well done. Furthermore OF really captured two friends(the protagonist), the differences between them, the relationship between the individual processing high-grade novel thinking heart. Side characters are also given their due time and 180 with a compact, sleek, very cleverly written work. My only complaint would be the end, perhaps, it is said to be too dramatic, too fast, the premise of Amsterdam. In any case, I would strongly recommend this book looking for a good story about friendship. It also has great artistic appeal. No damage, some write about the Lake District of England, which describe various hiking and other nearby mountains is wonderful. Amsterdam, London, in February, indicating that some other places, also really good. I look forward to check the work of other McEwan.