Oct 23, 2017 11:07 PM
The best attar I ever had is Al harmain's musk which has a very pleasant aroma . It lasts for more than a week and even gives a little scent after washing. I bought this attar for 650/- rupees from Al harmain's outlet. This attar has very attractive aroma and the best part of using attar is mostly you will never get any kind of allergy(because it is nonalcoholic) that most people get with the extensive use of deodorants or any other alcoholic perfumes. Along with this musk attar, Al harmain has a large collection of attars, non-alcoholic perfumes, uud and room fresheners . The best part is, it is reasonable and last long both in terms of duration and aroma.Many people gave me good compliments for this attar and even asked me for getting this for them. So it is highly recommendable attar from my side and you can have your own customization of scent, the quantity you want and price at the outlet .