Aug 22, 2010 09:16 AM
Wide publicity by Air Asia made me aware that if we booked flight on 7 May 2010to Kuala Lumpur, I would have to pay Rs 1 only. I thought this was a joke and tried, even though I had no intention to travel to Malaysia. But it was real and I paid Rs 1 to travel to Kuala Lumpur from Mumbai. I found the flight was punctual, the aircraft new and in good conditions, ground staff not many, but cooperative, food in the aircraft (I paid for it) was good. The only disadvantage I found was that I had to pay for checked in luggage which I was not required in any other international airlines. But it was ok.
I traveled by this airlines in Mumbai - Kuala Lumpur - Mumbai sectors and I also traveled by this airlines from Singapore to Kuala Lumpur. All the flights were punctual and comfortable.
I would recommend this airlines to travel to Malaysia from India.