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One Question Please
Jul 22, 2006 01:28 PM 3751 Views

AIDS is said to spread from unprotected sex. All other aspects(from mother to baby, from infected injections etc.) are subsidary. Primary source is unprotected sex.

Those HIV virus are said to come from some animals(chimanzee or I am not sure),  Probably some community(i think it should be from africa continent) used to have sex with animals and from there they got infected and then slowly, from humans from africa it spreaded to other continents.

However, if we look into the history, we may find some exception to this rule. Lord Krishna is said to have thousands of wives(16, 000 I guess). Now if AIDS spreads through sex primarly as a rt cause, then howcome he was not HIV positive? Its impractical to assume that he didnt have multiple sex relations, because he has 16000 ladies to choose from, and its also impractical to assume that all his wives were virgins, ( some of them or even most of them could be, but certainly not all of 16000 can be virgin). Still history didnt gave any such evidence that he was infected.

If we can solve this issuue out, then I guess, it can help us looking into AIDS much more versified way. May be sex is not the root cause, may be its something else.

Your comments and views are anxiously awaited.

PS: As doctors advice, its always good to have protected sex, so use condoms, and though no one advivce this but I still think one should be faithful, this can help in decreasing the chances of infection(if sex is the only cause, I am still not convinced thogh)


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