Mar 14, 2017 03:53 PM
(Updated Mar 14, 2017 05:17 PM)
Hats off to the director M. Night Shyamalan for creating such an engaging movie. This film is set in the far future(1000 years from now) where humans and organisms have evolved considerably. The prevailing technology is quiet advanced supporting inter-planetary travel. Shyamalan has rightfully picked the father-son duo as lead characters. Will Smith(General Cypher Raige) and son Jaden Smith(Kitai Raige) are the main actors. The unique feature about this movie is the creation of an environment or ambience(of planet earth) which is mesmerising and how beautifully the lead actors have blended into this environment.
The story revolves around Kitai Raige who despite being shipwrecked on future earth is able to rise to the occasion and save the day with due guidance from his injured father General Cypher Raige. Kitai though only a teenager shows remarkable courage in the face of insurmountable adversities including navigating hostile terrain, recovering a critical communicator miles away from their crashed site, fighting and killing a vicious animal and sending a homing signal from a mountain top to save the day.
I would recommend this thriller to every science fiction enthusiast.